Contact Us

T h e  D e n v e r  G a r d e n  R a i l w a y  S o c i e t y


President 2025 – Anne Loring

Contact via:



Bob Finch –

Membership Information

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Denver Garden Railway Society
P.O. Box 9256
Denver, CO 80209

Thank you for your interest in the Denver Garden Railway Society!

The Denver Garden Railway Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the education, promotion and enjoyment of all aspects of garden railroading. The Denver Garden Railway Society and its board members offer club membership and activities in good faith. We are not responsible for any failures, errors and/or omissions, losses or damages, including consequential damages caused by the reliance on the statements on this website, in the club application, or any other club advertisement or document. A club such as this one is the result of the good will of members and volunteers who have no obligation or legal commitment to perform. When participating in Club Events or activities, you may be visiting private homes which are not handicap accessible. Garden railway locations may have steps and other challenges. Please understand that the outdoor nature of some club events cannot accommodate those with special requirements. By participating in Denver Garden Railway, we ask you to please help us make this an enjoyable and great experience for all involved.